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Permaculture Educators Program
Permaculture Design Certificate & Permaculture Teacher Certificate
$2997 AUD
After enrolling yourself here, check your email to register your under 18 year-old child for free.
Registrant Information
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30 Day Money Back Guarantee
NOTE: We automatically accept one child to join you on this course for free (more by request). Homeschooler, worldschooler, unschooler or schooler! Children aged 12 years or older are eligible to complete the projects for the Permaculture Design Certificate and Permaculture Teacher Certificate (please email us to if you have questions).
What's included?
  • Permaculture Educators Program - includes 2 full courses Permaculture Design Certificate and Permaculture Teacher Certificate, plus bonus business modules. (lifetime access)
  • 44 comprehensive multi-media classes sent directly to your inbox weekly.
  • Practical course projects - create a design for your place & start teaching too
  • HIVE Permaculture global learning community with 80+ optional live classes, tutorials and forums. Get a FREE lifetime access (valued at $470/year)
  • Regular live sessions with Morag Gamble and her team including monthly tutorials focus on permaculture design, education and business
  • Meet and talk with your global learning community. Access learning guild 24/7 for Q&A and sharing.
Join Us Now
We will not share the online information that you provide us (including e-mail addresses).